Check out our Planting Locations to learn more about the 7.1 million trees we've planted so far!

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One year ago we formed a team, took over the internet and scored a win for the planet. Plant with us and track our progress!

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John Doe

For a better world x

11 trees

15-11-2020 14:31:56


John Doe

For a better world x

11 trees

15-11-2020 14:31:56

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Planting projects

Wondering where these trees are being planted? Check out the locations for the first trees below.


North America

Arkansas, United States

Cache River Watershed

50,000 TREES

In partnership with The Nature Conservancy, the Arbor Day Foundation is working to improve water along the Cache River, an impaired waterway in Arkansas that is contributing to the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. The goals of this project are to reduce runoff into the Cache River watershed, increase wetland habitat, and provide incentives for landowners to transition frequently flooded cropland back into forestland.

Badge: displays year of project